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If African governments were a person, they would be slay queens

If Uganda government was a person, you guessed right -it would be a ....

If African governments were a person, they would be slay queens!

You see, Kampala has a remarkable class of individuals; these ladies maintain public personas while mingling with planned kids at the city's upscale venues. Their social media accounts may kill you if you have a weak heart, and they have extremely costly preferences and fashion sense. They also wear very expensive apparel and wigs. Some individuals even refer to them as socialites. "Men" is their main source of revenue. They hate prostitutes just as much, but since they don't have a fixed place to go like prostitutes, I refer to them as "Pussy-prenuers" or "Bed to Bed midfielders."

This kind is the most hazardous for men to cross the street with, since they have to extort you for body parts and companionship in order to maintain their high lifestyles, which you may still have from your wife for nothing with a lot of compassion and love. Since you are likely familiar with a couple of these, the closest face you can imagine while picturing them is the one that our government would have if it were human.

Nicholas Opiyo, a City Attorney, complained last week on Twitter that URA had charged him 400,000 UGX, or around $100, for a shirt he had purchased from the UK via an online store. The cost of the Jersey is practically equal to the taxes he must pay for it. His complaint was in response to tweets from Ibrahim Bbosa, a URA officer who challenged him, revealed the item's specifics, and sought to clarify that Mr. Opiyo was, in fact, charged properly and legally. My friends, it is when several of us decided to draw the line.

When I first wrote about a woman who paid 120 million in taxes for importing a 170 million Jeep, I didn't understand that merchants and businessmen, who frequently complain about the tax rates, are actually working very hard to live. Any venture whose starting taxes are twice it’s market value that is to say more of a 2:1 ratio of wealth to be successful is a day robbery.

Remember that we pay taxes on everything from education to small businesses to agriculture to start-ups, to name a few. To retain a saintly public image, the government continues to conduct superb PR efforts (like slay queens do on social media), hoping from one endeavor to another (Bed to Bed) looking for money and we the population are the “Men” supposed to fund the lavish lives of government officials.

“After squeezing every penny out of us, where does the money go?”.

The potholes are large enough to swallow cars. Previously 30-minute trips are now an hour long. You must be cautious because if you don't drive in a zigzag pattern, a pothole might engulf your car. Our hospitals are in a sorry state, and medicine is an urban legend. We might write a book on public schools, so don't even start there.

Nevertheless, as long as they offer us the impression of "company" and "average services" (body parts), we will continue to accept less and struggle through difficulties in order to please our masters. The government has nothing to show for what we give it at the end of the day, just like slay queens. I have not seen a line of business owned by a slay queen.

Wrtten by;

Mugerwa Joseph

46 views7 comments




Nyanzi Ashraf
Nyanzi Ashraf
Sep 06, 2023

well researched!


Ann Leticia
Ann Leticia
Sep 05, 2023

Your right Mr. Joseph. We give in alot but gain less. Our government needs to act. Because at the end of the day it's the local man to feel the


Sep 05, 2023

Eye opening for sure


Very informative

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